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Steve Gwenin
Apr 19, 20222 min read
Overcoming fear
On our recent surf trip, my middle grom was scared, of “the huge waves, the rocks, and the sharks!” So, quite scared! How did I help him...

Steve Gwenin
Apr 19, 20222 min read
Learning to lose.
A couple of weekends ago, my son got knocked out in the first heat of his surf comp, after 20 mins of surfing, and as his 48 years old...

Steve Gwenin
Feb 9, 20222 min read
I got lucky. Or did I?
Had a fun Monday morning surf session yesterday. People getting some great waves. When I complimented someone on their wave, a cracking...

Steve Gwenin
Feb 9, 20222 min read
Stoke - the gift that keeps on giving!
One of my groms with his new board! If you surf, and want to surf more, and have kids that compete for with your surfing, and each other...

Steve Gwenin
Feb 9, 20223 min read
2021's New Year Resolution review!
At the end of 2020, I made a resolution to work less and surf more in 2021. At 48, with 3 young kids, I want time now, not later. I had...

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